Today has not been the best day! I woke up and went into to see if Jayden was still asleep and there he was sleeping in a big mess of ohhh yucky, stinky, ya i think you know what i mean. Let me just add i think the mess came out of both ends and yes he was laying right in the middle of it . Poor Guy! It was disgusting! And it smelled so bad! So i woke him up and threw his clothes off and put him straight in the tub. It was terrible. It was all over him. This by far was the worst mess ever! I could barely handle the smell, i almost lost it. So after the tub i dressed him and then i cuddled him, and usually Jayden will not cuddle with me, he's always so busy playing, But not today. So i took advantage of it and cuddle him. It was so cute! I loved it! So after a while i could smell the odor from his room start to smell through out the house so i laid Jayden on the couch and put on mickey mouse club house and he has laid there all day. That is not like him. Seriously. He is usually pulling out everything. But he has laid there while i cleaned his room and did the laundry all day. And yes we are trying to wing him off the Binky, but today i just had to give in and give it to him because i felt so bad for him. And yes it's pink because walmart always runs out of the blue ones. lol

Poor Jayden.. I know all about it! Kamry has the same thing!!! So sad to see the little ones down!! Good luck!!
That is really NOT like him. Maybe you should take him to the doctor? Sad!!! I'm calling you right now!
Poor little boy. I hope he feels better.
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